Pixel Fox

Size 7.6 x 7.1cm and printed on white with a glossy finish.

Douglas Feer

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The UFO (aka Flying Saucer or Mystery Ship) is a ship that will randomly pop up. If a player hits it, they will receive a random number of either 50, 100, or 150 points.
Space Invader UFO
9.5 x 5.0 cm
Ett sticker som en robothand
Mäktig hand
4.8 x 9.4 cm
Ett klistermärke med ett svärd i minst 8 bitar.
5.1 x 10 cm
Grön Rubin
3.8 x 7.7 cm
Blå Rubin
3.8 x 7.7 cm
Retro gaming
7.0 x 3.2 cm
8-bitars hjärna klistermärke
8-bitars hjärna
8.9 x 9.8 cm
Spel i pixel
7.0 x 7.6 cm