Sticker Pack Monster Mash-Up

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Få 12 exklusiva klistermärken i ett specialdesignat Monster Mascot Mash-Up Sticker Pack, skapat av våra vänner på G.A.R.M. Co.

What’s the deal with our Monster Sticker Pack?

Three artists, four designs each. These stickers come in all your favorite materials – holo, brushed alloy, mirror and transparent vinyl, with every design measuring 3.9” in height.

Meet the Artists

Meet the artists behind the Monster Mascot Mash-Up designs. These three talented fellas were carefully selected by G.A.R.M. Co., to interpret some monsters you all know and love – like Frankenstein’s Monster, The Creature and Phantom of the Opera.

Tim Baron

Motto? Skate. Go Create. This skateboarding illustrator meets artist has created both action figures, and designed skateboards for multiple brands.

Kendrick Kidd

This designer has oodles of experience from both advertising, and freelancing for major brands. He’s big fan of exploring new techniques to keep his work fresh.

Emir Ayouni

This illustrator meets brand designer is the founder of G.A.R.M. Co. and makes up one-third of global design franchise Forefathers Group.

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Exklusivt? Det kan du tro. Det här Sticker Packet är så Limited Edition som det bara går – se till att skaffa ditt medan du kan.