Sticker Pack Most Liked 2023

4.6 av 1,382 recensioner

År 2023 var sanningens år. Det var då våra kunder älskade klistermärken som levererade djupa budskap. Nu när året kommit till ett slut har du chansen att köpa ett av dessa unika 'Most Liked' Sticker Pack featuring: 'Unfiltered Thoughts'.

Klistermärken som talar för sig själv

När du inte känner för att dela med dig av dina djupaste tankar så är dessa klistermärken här för att hjälpa dig. Så missa inte chansen att klicka hem ett av våra unika Sticker Packs som endast finns att köpa under en begränsad tid.

Lär känna våra designers

Vi ställde några frågor till de designers som gjort detta Sticker Pack, för att förstå den djupa tanken bakom deras ofiltrerade tankar...

Tell us about this sticker Colleen, did you design it for someone special?

Nope, no one in particular. But I keep stickers in my back pocket, ready to hand them out if need be.

@coll.kell | Printed on Brushed Aluminum

So Maddy, are you raging over anything specific in life?

My rage isn't any one thing. It is more so the collective slights and minor inconveniences over a lifetime accumulating :)

@maddywilsonart | Printed on Holographic

Taylor, what truly tickles your pickle?

Nothing tickles my pickle more than parallel parking like a boss on the first go

@tay_dux | Printed on Transparent

Ella, what is your best happy pill?

My happy pill is my ability to spread positivity and creativity in any way that I can. To make someone smile and provide a sense of comfort is my sole purpose on this earth as we are all just trying to make the most out of what we have!

@ellazartist | Printed on matte Holographic

Tyler, is this your go-to inspirational quote?

It definitely helps to remind myself what I’ve done and how far I’ve come. Self doubt can be detrimental for artist, so I wanted to create a reminder to keep moving, keep creating!

@thecreativepain | Printed on Transparent

Kei, million dollar question: have you quit your job since the creation of this sticker?

I actually have not quit my job since this sticker. It has kept me going

@ghoulcatstudio | Printed on Mirror

Fae, is it possible that this sticker is based on yourself?

In a way, yes! Bad Bitch Juice was the first one made of the three juice boxes, and I was thinking of all my badass girl friends who helped me throughout school and made me the person I am today.

@msfaeriearts | Printed on matte Mirror

Are you venting this thought enough, Fanny, or are you holding back?

I often think so, but I don't say it. My mother would kill me if I did.

@thyfannie | Printed on White Vinyl

Tell us more about the shit show Erin, what's it about?

Life really is a constant shit show, amiright?? All we can do is buckle up, hang on tight, and do our best to enjoy the ride!

@605vibes | Printed on Pixie Dust

Is this sticker based on a true story, Holly?

I was doodling ideas for a Victorian tea event and channeled this. I think we all can relate.

@cholly_pierson_art | Printed on matte Vinyl

Are you typically a "No can do" or a "Yes Man", Adam?

I’m not much of a “Yes Man”, but I’m definitely more ‘Yeah Might Do’ rather than ’No Can Do’.

@mrahayes | Printed on matte Mirror

What are your thoughts behind this loaded plate?

I'm the quiet type, but my thoughts are constantly on fire. And of course, my world is kind of simple, black and white but still filled with lines in every direction.

@creativewannabes | Printed on Mirror

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