Meet Darren Shaddick

Darren Shaddick is a visual artist based in rural North Devon, UK. He works in a variety of disciplines, including illustration, graphic design, and animation. Darren's influences include the nature that surrounds him, his childhood obsessions, mid-century furniture, and modern art. This has led to a distinctive visual style in which characters and objects exist within a universe of their own.

23 okt. 2023

Artist of the Month: Darren Shaddick
Thank you card October 2023: Darren Shaddick

A glimpse into the creative world of Darren Shaddick.

Darren Shaddick is a visual artist based in rural North Devon, UK. He works in a variety of disciplines, including illustration, graphic design, and animation. Darren's influences include the nature that surrounds him, his childhood obsessions, mid-century furniture, and modern art. This has led to a distinctive visual style in which characters and objects exist within a universe of their own.

StickerApp: How would you define your style?

Darren: I think it's a culmination of my vast influences and interests. I like to draw with immediacy, as I feel it helps me to avoid overthinking and overworking what I am making. I hope this has led me to a distinctive and recognisable way of working that feels truly mine.

StickerApp: What's your favorite technique?

Darren: Very loose, stream-of-consciousness drawing, later worked up digitally. I find it incredibly exciting to mix analog with digital processes. I like to see how textures and flat digital colours form my own palettes and textures interact with the loose, wonky line work.

Darren Shaddick sketching
Darren Shaddick design

StickerApp: Who or what's your biggest inspiration?

Darren: I'm currently inspired by mid-century furniture and interior decor. I love the style and warmth, especially in old catalogue photographs. Artists I am always looking at are Saul Steinberg, Sandy Hoffman, David Hockney, and the list goes on...

StickerApp: How did it all start?

Darren: It started after failed attempts to pursue my studies in something non-creative as a late teenager. I later started all over again a little older and was introduced to a world of illustration and graphic design that I didn't realise existed by some inspiring and imaginative lecturers.

StickerApp: Tips for those starting out?

Darren: Look at what makes you unique and lean into it, and make what you like. Try to put fear and doubt aside and keep going. Go easy on yourself!

StickerApp: What's your favorite app or program?

Darren: Photoshop and Procreate.

Darren Shaddick Artwork for StickerApp
Darren Shaddick sketching

StickerApp: Why do you use StickerApp?

Darrren: StickerApp enables me to bring my artwork away from the screen and into the real world. Stickers have been a lifelong love of mine, and having the option to create my own and stick them anywhere is an absolute joy.

StickerApp: What's your favorite material?

Darrren: I LOVE holographic! It's reminiscent of my childhood, collecting random stickers and cards to put on and in my sketchbooks, PlayStation, bedroom door, and everywhere!

StickerApp: How do you use stickers for your own business/personal brand?

Darrren: often sell them at art fairs and put them in with online orders, and they seem to disappear very quickly. They're great for promotion and personalisation.

StickerApp: What makes you excited about this project with Monteaco?

Darrren: As an avid tea drinker, working with Monteaco is incredibly exciting. I adore the fact that they are "Forest Friendly" and are going above and beyond to prove that making tea doesn't need to be incredibly taxing on the environment and its habitats. I personally love that spiders of the forest act as an insecticide, and through their natural tea-growing processes they've discovered new insect species along the way. I am honoured to be working alongside them for this project.

Thank you for taking the time to chat with us!
Want to see more? Please visit @darren.shaddick Instagram.
