Schticker Awards

March month is also known as the month of Oscars and we thought, what better way to celebrate that than to have our own Schticker Awards? Sure winning an Oscar is a huge accomplishment but it’s really nothing compared to the Schticker Awards, or what do you say? 

We had five different categories with six people nominated in each. The different categories were holographic, transparent, prismatic, kraft paper, and back paper print.

21 mars 2022

Stickers selected by our Sticker Cat

A cat jury selected all the nominees but after that, it was up to our 669 000 followers on Instagram to choose the final winner of the Schticker Awards in voting in our story. The whole purpose was for our followers to choose the one they thought had used the special material in the most inspiring, fun, and creative way.

The Schticker Winners

You voted… and on the 25th of March, the best Schticker award for each category went to …

Schtiker cat awards winner skeleton cat @therese_nothing

Best Holographic Sticker

@Therese_nothing lit up her design with the holographic effect in the best possible way. I’m sure we were not the only ones that giggled when we saw this. It gave her sticker the perfect glowy touch.

Schticker awards winner Octopusy bag @Ryanmc_art

Best Transparent Sticker

Creative and smart were the first two things that came up in our minds when we saw  @Ryanmcc_art sticker design. The semi-transparent effect made the octopus look fully alive. A ‘clear’ winner if you ask us. 

Schticker award winner Dude @Mrlemonade

Best Prismatic Sticker

The prismatic material is the effect for all the cool people out there… @Mrlemonade is not an exception. He designed this relaxing dude and applied the prismatic effect to stand out from the rest of the crowd. 

Schticker awards winner Big mouth @Bloodstrokes Kraft paper

Best Kraft Paper Sticker

This fella is printed on our kraft material. @Bloodstrokes won everybody’s hearts when he created this cool giant mouth. We were just as in awe when we saw it.

Schticker award winning Two faced girl @Kerinewton Back paper print

Best Back Paper Print Sticker

I’m sure we can all agree that some days you just don’t feel like yourself. What better way to show your two-faced mood than how @Kerinewton did with this cool back paper print design. 

Golden thank you's

It wasn't just the awards, to make the month of March really golden we send out a Schticker award themed thank you card in mirror material along with all orders made by nonother than our friend @jaspervangestel

Thank you card Schticker awards StickerApp
