Sticker Pack Most Liked 2024

2024 var, minst sagt, ett speciellt år för många av oss. Det märks inte minst på de uttrycksfulla klistermärken som ni älskade allra mest. Nu när året lider mot sitt slut är vi glada att få avslöja listan över "de mest gillade klistermärkena från 2024." Temat som genomsyrar era favoriter? Låt oss bara säga att det är komplicerat.

Det är komplicerat

Vad är komplicerat? Snarare, vad är inte?!

Livet, kärlek, känslomässigt bagage, att bygga en maskin som sorterar Skittles med hjälp av hamstrar på hjul – och den här klistermärkessamlingen. Allt är komplicerade saker som vi helt enkelt inte har några svar på. Och de mest älskade klistermärkena från 2024 fångar några av dessa komplicerade känslor riktigt bra.

  1. Sticker pack titled "Most Liked 2024: It's Complicated," featuring colorful, playful designs like a holographic reverse card in front.
  2. Backside of Stickerpack presenting all artists and included stickers.

Träffa konstnärerna

Vi bad konstnärerna bakom de mest gillade klistermärkena 2024 att ge oss lite sammanhang kring deras "det är komplicerat"-klistermärke och här är vad de sa:

Pink cigarette box sticker with the phrase "I Just Can't Quit You Baby" written on it

Love is messy, addictive, and sometimes impossible to quit- kind of likeeee the things we know we shouldn't want but just can't resist. This sticker is for those who know that some bad habits are just too good to quit.

Illustrated sticker featuring an alligator on a skateboard with the text "Not Too Old For This Shit".

Aging is tough: endless phone calls, no more sleeping in, chia seeds, signing off with "kind regards" in emails, assembling IKEA furniture... but we can also choose to hop on a skateboard and shout : "Not too old for this shit!"

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Matt spegel

Sticker of a toothpaste tube with bold text "Don't Tell Me to Smile" and "Resting Bitch Face."

Unpacking why some random dude thinks his comfort is entitled to my facial expression is hella complicated.

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Pixie Dust

Sticker of three candy hearts stacked vertically, reading "EAT," "MY," and "ASS."

Everything you’ve been wanting to say is written in these sweethearts. Eat my ass! Or don’t. I’m not gonna tell you what to do.

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Matt vinyl

Blue seethrough mixtape with mixed feelings. @TherapyJeff
As a therapist, this sticker serves as a reminder that mental health requires tuning into the complexities of our emotions.

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Playful sticker featuring a retro-style gaming device showing "GAME OVER!" and pixel hearts on the screen.

It’s complicated only until you start and take action.

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Matt spegel

Sticker set of two bottles. One clear bottle says "Full of Emptiness," and the amber bottle says "Forget, but never forgive" with an eye design on its label.

Breakups are messy. Capturing the chaos of drunk rage, self-distraction, and bittersweet humor.

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Surreal illustration of a woman in a pink dress sitting on a green couch, with water gushing out of her head and splashing upward.

2024 was definitely a complicated year for me. Death, sorrow, I felt like I drowned. Sarcasm heals my mental health, and this particular design is a very good sample of how I handled emotions this year. Badly, but still there, and sparkly.

Bold, colorful sticker with the phrase "SPARK JOY OR FUCK OFF" on an orange background.

Setting your boundaries that if someone in your life doesn’t spark joy then they should fuck right off is messy and complicated!

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A sardine can labeled "My Feelings" with the tagline "Store in a cool dry place," featuring a fish illustration.

Compartmentalization can help, but like canned fish, it has an expiration date!

Detailed and colorful sticker with the phrase "Smile Now, Cry Later," featuring a skull, melting face, and surreal chaotic imagery.

Smile Now, Cry Later is based on the classic tattoo design with the dual masks of comedy & tragedy. To me this design means enjoy the good times while they are here. There are no guarantees in life.

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Matt vinyl

A reverse card from a popular card game, with a colorful rainbow gradient.

The Gay Uno Reverse was created because all of us are terrible at taking compliments. But it doesn't have to be complicated if you can simply say Yes, And You Too!

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